I need help understanding a couple of bounce codes for one of my leads...
The lead has an Email Invalid set to true (checked off) with the Email Invalid Cause being " Exceeded MaxAttempts - 551 5.1.6 Mailhost is on our global block list (Mode: normal)."
The same lead also has an Email Suspended set to true (checked off) with an Email Suspended Cause being "Exceeded MaxAttempts - 554 5.0.0 Denied [b71867f4.0.359234.00-2258.556341.p02c12m022.mxlogic.net] (Mode: normal)."
I have a list of Marketo Bounce codes with an explanation for each. It says that Code 551 means the recipient is not local to the server, with 5.1.6 indicating that the mailbox has moved. Code 554 means that the transaction failed for some unstated reason, with 5.0.0 indicating that the address does not exist?
Please let me know if you have any insight as to what's going on/why the lead bounced. Also, I can't seem to find the web page containing the list of bounce codes, so if you find please feel free to post that link as well.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Codes vary by server, so they will generally align, but not always.
Max Attempts mean that your IP/domain attempted to reach the target server too many times. Usually this indicates you sent too many at that time or you were on a spam block.
Your 551 means you are on a blacklist according to the text. Not much to do about it other than invalidate the email to stop sending.
Codes vary by server, so they will generally align, but not always.
Max Attempts mean that your IP/domain attempted to reach the target server too many times. Usually this indicates you sent too many at that time or you were on a spam block.
Your 551 means you are on a blacklist according to the text. Not much to do about it other than invalidate the email to stop sending.