Greg, Shirleen SolaresI'm working with our Engineering team on this. Need to confirm a couple of points and this is what they're asking for: 1. Are these fields read-only in sfdc...
Greg, Shirleen SolaresI'm working with our Engineering team on this. Need to confirm a couple of points and this is what they're asking for: 1. Are these fields read-only in sfdc ...
Hi Anurag KhemkaI'd like to clarify, when you're recreating the new fields, you'll need to use the specific API names called for in the doc, Adding Marketo Fields to Salesforce En...
There are set fields that are always synced between Marketo and Salesforce and you can find that list here: Default Salesforce Field Mapping - Marketo Docs - Product Docs. Of cou...
That's the tricky part. We had two different versions of expected behavior. Then due to an issue found during initial deployment of this configuration change, a patch went out to f...
Mia WhitfieldI'd expect the record lock to occur during the update between Marketo and SFDC, but from the sounds of it, it's happening on records even after the Marketo update has...
Greg,Still looking into this one. I'd wait to implement a permanent solution just for a little bit until we can get a conclusive answer back on expected behavior.-Mike
Just so you know, I'm still looking into what the expected behavior is with those custom score fields. Like I mentioned in the other post, this is a strangely complicated one. More...
I'm checking with our Product team on this directly. This same question seems to have been going around a few times in the past and I keep getting different answers on what is expe...
This is a strangely difficult one to answer. I'm checking with our Product team directly on this one. I'll let you know when we have a conclusive answer. -Mike