This is fab Chelsea Kiko! Thinking about how you want to be able to report on things and then working backwards from there is such a critical piece of advice (and also bears relev...
I'd task my marketing team with creating a list of examples that point to anything they've used in the past ____ mos. This would look like screenshots or links to all the emails an...
All of this is very true I think the tl;dr comes down to: understand your business' needs, decide which solution is best suited to those needs, and then create a very clear brief!
Yep, unfortunately most people who don't have much involvement with email dev just don't understand how complicated it is. Expecting a web developer to be able to do what an experi...
I predict having them tinker with your existing templates will cause more problems than it solves. Both Landing Pages and Emails can be extremely finicky when it comes to getting r...
Critical hit, Joe ReitzTotally agree on the point of restricting permissions at the workspace level; we do this to ensure program templates are available to clone out of our centre...
Will! Repping ANZ, heck yes we set the bar . So proud of the communitythat's building across the region with an amazing group of customers, passionate MUG leaders and ever growing ...
Hey Jessica - you can do both of thesewithin the one program and they will work fine.As a side note though; many people don't actually do triggers to pull leads into nurtures but r...