If it helps, I'd recommend signing up for a free trial and seeing how some of your emails fair in testing. If you spot some significant issues, you could share them with the powers...
I have run into this specific issue with gmail/google clients before and what I've found fixes it is ensuring you have inlined on all your p/h tags "margin: 0".Obligatory side no...
Hey Lakshmipriya,Your intent makes sense, but if you set your smart campaigns up exactly as you've written it out, the logic will be flawed, and you'll likely run the email send on...
Hey Bianca,We'll need you to provide the code for the email to be able to help identify the source of the issue. Tokens do work well and consistently when done correctly so there w...
Hey Amber,There's plenty of threads on this in community, have a search and see what you can find that's relevant for you. It's hard for us to give you any more specific assistance...
Seconding Gerard's point; Litmus is indispensable for this sort of stuff (esp since the update which allows you to view client specific processed html - though it's not perfect).
Hey Courtney,Yes, you'd do this as a default program with two emails and choice steps in the send email flow step. You will not get the same dashboard view with a default program t...
Hey Christina,We'd need to see the code to really be able to provide the fix but likely this an interaction of image size + background size/repeat instructions in the code. Likely ...
Hey Callum,You'll need to be more specific about exactly where in the form you want to change the padding - an annotated screenshot or a design of how it should look would be helpf...