We recently switched to ReadyTalk and I'm currently trying to set up reminder emails to be sent via Marketo, and not via ReadyTalk. The problem I've run into is that the {{member.w...
Not sure if anyone else uses the "Collapse Folders" function available in the Treasure Box, but it has been acting a little wonky for me as of late. The correct behavior is that it...
All the history recorded while anonymous should convert over to when the lead becomes known as long as the activity was done while cookied. If the lead browsed your site on a diffe...
You should be able to control this with the CSS, though it will probably take an effort across different email clients. I'd start here and look at { hyphens: } in particular. https...
I was in your same shoes last year and I opted to only attend the Marketo University portion. I had a few years of experience with a competing MA product, so I was more in need of ...
I use a spreadsheet also. I just developed a simple template for recording results and then broke out my test categories (e.g. time of send, day of week, subject line, etc) into di...
That's how it should function -- you select the area of your email and choose "Replace with Snippet," which is what it sounds like you're doing. You shouldn't have to do any other ...
I only create assets in the Design Studio if they are more templates. For example, all of my forms exist in Design Studio, because I reuse the same ones across multiple landing pag...