After years of fighting with Excel when cleaning up CSVs to upload to Marketo (tradeshow lists, etc.), it occurred to me that there has to be something better! I think we've all ex...
Assuming you have Marketo Munchkin on your website, you should always aim to have people fill out forms on your website so you get full tracking, UTM parameters, etc. You can also ...
At my previous company we didn't associate our website forms to Marketo forms, it was just add to list, nd it caused me all sorts of auditing headaches because it didn't trigger a ...
Yes, absolutely! Marketo is really great for "globalizing" forms, emails, smart campaigns, etc., and you're smart to think in that direction. You create the form in Design Studio a...
If you want to send an email from a specific person, you need to have fields on their person record for first name, last name, and email address (and possibly other fields like tit...
I can't help you with the ON24 part of it, but I can give you a tip about webinar reg errors. Create yourself an operational alert, better yet send it to an alias (webinars@yourcom...