I would try sending your test emails to a couple different email clients/browsers/etc. first. Something like Litmus can also show you how your template renders in every possible pl...
There are a couple things you can try
1. You can Refresh from Webinar Provider, like this:https://nation.marketo.com/t5/Product-Discussions/Marketo-GoToWebinar-Registration-Syncin...
We are looking to do this, but we want two different types of alerts (differentiated by a field called "MQL Type") with different fields in the alert and ideally a different icon i...
Request campaigns can be super helpful but you don't want to over-use them. Typically they're best for
1. Controlling order of operations. For example, you may have some lifecycle...
Curious why you want to keep under 10k, what industry are you in? That seems pretty small.
Also just a caveat that "visited web page" only goes back 90 days so it's not a great fi...
One thing to check when a Marketo process is not happening at the expected speed is the Campaign Queuehttps://nation.marketo.com/t5/Product-Discussions/Where-to-view-running-proces...
OK I have been thinking about this this afternoon, this is an interesting challenge!Your first step is to create a new field, type isdate, let's say you call itVisitDate.Then you c...