I knew this was a stupid question b/c I understood everything you shared- what happened was when I was looking for the token I started typing in "{{lead" and for some reason I did ...
Hi Dan, I went ahead and did the change data values per your screen shot- what I'm not sure about is the Step 4 in the "Process Opt - in requests" The program opt in = {{lead.last ...
Thanks Sanford! I actually set up a webhook up for DiscoverOrg, so that's a great solution thanks! What I'm not too sure about now is the development part b/c DiscoverOrg came w/ p...
I'm pretty new about free trials in general - but does anyone know of any app that can be used w/ Marketo to issue temporary (15 - 30 days) credentials for free trials?The flow wou...
Hi Dan, Really appreciate your post here! I looked into how to create the "last touch campaign" - and found below on a different thread- wanted to know if this is how you approache...
Thank you both for your feedback!Your responses make sense on the level or type of ticket- The most recent issue I have is oppty's being tied to contacts are visible in my SF insta...
Hi Everyone,Does anyone have the Marketo business support? I was looking into purchasing it b/c I want faster response time on cases logged. Sometimes it takes over if not up to 2 ...