Hi - does anyone know of any tests that Marketo has similar to SF's Trailheads or if there are any recommendations for vendors that have a testing ability to measure someone's know...
Hey Josh, am I not understanding this correctly in that normally they start getting tracked as soon as they reach our site, but w/ GDPR don't they have to be given the option befor...
Hi-Our developers have shut off the munchkin code on our site until the person opts into cookie tracking. With this being the case, when I send emails to a person with a link direc...
I don't have a success path analyzer- I see program analyzer- but I do not have access to that either.I hopped on a call with Marketo solutions engineer yesterday and he said I was...
Gotcha- I had access to build and approve, but I don't have access for a way to report on it- which sounds like what you're saying. I was more curious if this is an known 'issue' w...
Hi, Does anyone know if the RCM molder is a standard feature when you purchase Email Marketing Bundle package? I have access to this and my sales rep is saying that I shouldn't hav...
Hi Sanford- is there also another step that needs to be taken for the munchkin code on non-marketo landing pages- ie our home website w/ forms on it etc.
Hi Dan, I like your suggested visibility rule here, I'm wondering though- does that mean you're showing this opt in question for those countries that are also not participating? - ...
Thanks Dan! - If you go into Marketing activities > New > Import Program there are a couple of templates in there for opt ins- that's where I got the double opt in template
Thank Greg, as I'm trying to set up the flows correctly in Marketo to account for double opt in countries- so far i'm only aware of Germany, but Marketo's template has all the 28 c...