We are considering using Zuant. Are you still using it? How's it in terms of intergating with Marketo? I did not find any out-of-the-box integration in LaunchPoint, but may be i mi...
can i use already exiting segmentation as a smart list filter for a new one?for example, i have "location" and "language" segments and i want to combire these 2 to create 1 master ...
my question exactlyi was asked to research this one and i can't seem to find an answer((i found an article that this might be related toBIMI feature?https://bimi.agari.combut did n...
I saw that in Marketo Sky there will be a new option available - create folders for tokens (which would be great and have been much anticipated).What i'd love to see is the same fu...
i used to manage these type of things with a custom flowi had it like:send email (to myself and a few other people on the pre-selected list) wait 15 minssend to the qualified campa...
there is some logic in this and i guess there might be a situations where the record unsubscribe status will not be updated in time and the second duplicate lead gets email or some...
Here’re the things that I suggest paying attention to:Web-activity/scoring/other activity-based tracking goes to one of the record, because the browser cookie is unique. We’ve deci...