Does anyone have any recommendations for favorite or best ways to quickly and accurately get business card information into Marketo after tradeshows or other events? Typically there aren't scannable badges, so this isn't an option.
I used to work at this company that had this as a product: Business Card Reader
You can take images of the business cards and then OCR those images using the software and export as csv then import into Marketo. I think you can also send those contacts directly SFDC through the software. However, OCR technology is far from perfect, you'll need to keep a close eye on the results you get when you do OCR.
I love that we have to include the same OCR disclaimer that we did 20 years ago.
atEvent is fantastic, they can integrate with Marketo and send all of the information from a biz card over. They're not a reader, it's actually a person in another country typing the information so it's more accurate than a reader trying to understand many different types of font / color combos / etc.
Hi Christina Zuniga -- (trying to use the @mention option for the first time)
We just signed with atEvent and are in the process of integrating. I have a few questions and don't feel like I'm getting the right help from atEvent. Would it be possible to connect with you outside of the community via email to ask some questions about how your company integrated your instance with them? Your help would be greatly appreciated! If so, my contact is
Hi Lindsay Zanga, just emailed you!
Hey Lindsay Zanga when you get everything figured out I'd love to hear about your experience. We're thinking about moving forward with atEvent and it would be great to know about any issues in advance! Thanks
I used Zuant as a more comprehensive lead capture software for tradeshows for badge scans and business card scans. They can also do some cleaning up of the data too and an integration into SFDC.
I have used Zuant for a few years and in comparison to any other options they have been great. I implemented them before we had Marketo but have been wanting to talk more with them about their Marketo integration. Their product was always more robust than most and has continued to improve usability and features which is always exciting!
We are considering using Zuant. Are you still using it? How's it in terms of intergating with Marketo? I did not find any out-of-the-box integration in LaunchPoint, but may be i missed it out