Hey @John_Charleswor - Do your data value changes in step 3 have to happen after the lead is synced? Could they (the data changes) and the sync to SFDC step all be part of a singul...
Hey there! Date filters are always fun 😛
The first example you gave of using a combination of the "in past before 2 days" and "in past 1 day" filters will cause a conflict.
The ...
Like William mentioned, you won't "activate" or "schedule" the smart campaign for the nested email send. Once you pull the default program into the nurture stream and activate it (...
Just keep in mind that if each send is separated into a program, when a person doesn't match the program send criteria they won't move on to the next piece of content until the nex...
There could be several factors at play here - To JD's point, have you looked at the test records to see if the click activity registered?
To answer this question....
This also bri...
Edited reply 🙂
Hey there! Assuming that a lead passes through the second or third steps (both of which are successes) before hitting the "lead not accepted" step, then yes, they ...
You said it well here:
I could keep doing this for every single email really and every single logic rule, so way more than the 20 segmentations included. On...
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