Diederik Martens, author of the book “Marketing Automation Untangled", is a frequently asked speaker on what it takes to successfully transform marketing, align with sales, and innovate with marketing technology.
Diederik was awarded the international Killer Content Award for his lead nurture campaign strategy at Quintiq. And he was named Marketo Champion 6 times!
Diederik works on marketing transformation projects for companies, mostly in B2B, such as DHL, Deloitte, Trend Micro, Lely, Essent, Staples, Innogy, BDO, Rockwool, PinkRoccade, Dassault Systèmes, Sungevity, Portbase, Wolf Oil, and many more.
Hi Caitlin,So you're not looking for leads created by form fills right?If you're just looking for the number unique individuals that fille dout at least 1 form this month, I would ...
It's possble! a field set has a distinctive class in css. You could create custom css to float a field set left for example. I've done many forms this way since Forms2.0.
I once got a complaint from colleagues in the US, which to my surprise were still using IE8 (little over a year ago). But the rest of the company was definitly already on IE10.IE8 ...
Hi Greg, I use the exact same method 😉I think it's called SFDC Type[Person] nowadays.Not 100% though.There's a catch though! If you delete a lead from Salesforce and not from Mark...
Hi, I've seen both work great. If you use SFDC it will run faster, as Josh mentioned. You're not bothered with the sync interval time. In Marketo you can also create dispatch rules...
I've had the issue for a while. In my case my instance was hosted in San Mateo, whilst I was in Europe. So 9 hours earlier. At night (San Mateo time) Marketo and RCE sync the data,...
I agree Grégoire. I've encountered this before. The standard sync interval with Marketo and Salesforce is 5 minutes. So If you sync to SFDC and sent the alert straight after, it's ...
Well with both options set to True, it would achieve the same. But in some cases you might only want to delete it in Marketo or Salesforce only (e.g. it shouldn't have been dispatc...