Diederik Martens, author of the book “Marketing Automation Untangled", is a frequently asked speaker on what it takes to successfully transform marketing, align with sales, and innovate with marketing technology.
Diederik was awarded the international Killer Content Award for his lead nurture campaign strategy at Quintiq. And he was named Marketo Champion 6 times!
Diederik works on marketing transformation projects for companies, mostly in B2B, such as DHL, Deloitte, Trend Micro, Lely, Essent, Staples, Innogy, BDO, Rockwool, PinkRoccade, Dassault Systèmes, Sungevity, Portbase, Wolf Oil, and many more.
I'm dealing with the exact same issue. I want a contact to be automatically re-assigned to the original (marketing) owner, who assigned it to a (sales) owner, when sales rejects th...