Thank you so much Sanford! I just sent the email to you for you to test the button - which results don't seem to be rolling up into the LPR. Please let me know once you submit and ...
Hi Sanford - so did you actually set up an mock email and code for a bulletproof button - then did you send that email to yourself and you clicked the button - and did your action ...
The issue is that the Email Link Performance Report is not reflecting the clicks to that PDF embedded in the button (but it will register the clicks to a PDF that is coded. That's ...
I set up a smart list and the testers are showing up; their activity log is registering them as well as clicking the the link; the email performance report reflects that they click...
Sanford thank you for sending that link. The good news is that the button now has the tracking code: The Email Performance Repo...
I'm hoping you can help. Because images don't always show up in email clients, our creative team back end coded this CTA button:Here is the code:<v:roundrect xmlns:v="urn:schemas-m...