Who tells you that you must have a trigger? 😉 It's a myth that you have to use the in-stream transition rules. You might as well move your people with Smart Campaigns.Just create ...
As@uditmathursaid, you can absolutely remove people from an Engagement Program entirely, but that's probably not what you want due to the loss of reporting data. But what's certain...
The only cases where an Email Program makes sense to me in a webinar scenario would be the invitation and probably the after-event follow-ups (to attendees and no-shows). But none ...
I very much agree with Katja that scoring based on program status changes is a good idea. Which of course means that you have to run a Smart Campaign that advances program status b...
The "Send Alert" Flow Step will process for every person in your Smart Campaign. Which means, if you send your email to 30.000 people, you'll also send the alert 30.000 times. Prob...
After some experimentation, we find that you can in fact merge fields, if they1. Are Marketo custom fields - aka: not Marketo system-generated fields.2. Are of the same field type ...
To our surprise, we found this option in Marketo Field Management. It seems to only appear if your instance was moved to the Adobe Admin Console.Does anybody know what this functio...
Your assumption is correct. When any Marketo field is updated, "Updated At" should be set to that timestamp. And I assume "Consent Date" is a Marketo custom field, right?I'd file a...