Yes, that's funky too. You just have to delete the filters. The triggers can't be deleted, they will magically go away after you delete the filters.One more try: Your 5 leads don't...
Yes, looks okay to me.So you import your people and then you run the campaign again? Or does the campaign run as a recurring batch? You might want to take a look at the option to n...
Hey Stephanie,even after contemplating on your setup some more I don't find the error. One last try: Can it be you're violating global Communication Limits? Have you looked at the ...
Yes, true.How about the "relative" time constraints available on the Filled Out Form filter? This week, last week, this month, last month could give you a solid indication of devel...
Yes, the "group by" function is limited to database fields. So you can't group by date of form submission.Have you looked into Custom Columns? They might give you what you need. Cr...
Marketo support mentioned that contacts who are members of the nested programs won't get castsThe program doesn't need to be nested. I guess the correct wording would be: Persons w...
Well, I think this is exactly the challenge in a multi-product environment. No easy outs here.You - or all your Marketo users - need to agree on the definition of a prospect for a ...
"Visited web site" is probably not the best non-activity you would want to look at. You can only tell if somebody visits your website if you have cookied him, which usually implies...
At first glance, I'd say this is not possible. Or at least not scalable as you'd need one flow step per Engagement Program a person might be in. If you're operating in multiple wor...