- my Webinar channel does not use the default statuses, my predecessor added some extras that are likely extraneous like clicked and opened. Could this be part of it?No, I don't th...
Hello Livia,you can't use Velocity to update a field. It's called "Email Script Token" as it can only render its output on emails.For your case, I think you will have to use an out...
Hard to say without seeing your Transition Rule. I believe most people here tend to not use Transition Rules at all, but instead use trigger or recurring batch campaigns to organiz...
This doesn't work, I'd say:You can't reference a program through a token.But generally speaking, the "Inherit Token Context" function of the Executable Campaign offers options for ...
https://blog.jayjiang.com.au/2021-07-29-download-email-html.phpJust wanted to promote this page once again. It helps you download an email's HTML for offline storage. And while the...
Interesting question. 🙂I think if you look at short-term results like form conversion you'll see that LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms will perform better as they remove obstacles for the ...
Interesting. Thanks for sharing!I knew that Email Contains filters with "@" are treated in a very specific - and I believe: efficient - way, but I didn't know about these consequen...
However, according to a Marketo support rep I'm communicating with, Marketo can only process two batch campaigns at a time and the rest are queued until the previous ones complete....