coming at this from the perspective of someone who has developed highly advanced email templates for many clients, I'd simply say STOP!!!!!!!
Take the time to get a...
let's step back for a moment.
Why are you coding Velocity in Excel? How does that confer any benefit over coding in Marketo directly?
What do you mean by 'remapping'?...
in that case, what is wrong with a Marketo form (and if appropriate) a Marketo landing page?
That'll put the data where you want it.
You can always phrase your CTA to lo...
Your question as it stands is unanswerable.
It all depends on the design of the LP. That can vary vastly.
And you have to consider responsive design as well.
So, you could do this a few ways. Here are two that spring to mind.
You could have a triggered campaign on email open of email 1 that removes people from your sm...
Don't forget all the specific coding you need to do to support:
Outlook on Windows (VML - it's exciting!),
Dark Mode (and varying behaviour between clients),
Variances in responsi...
@Zoe_Forman, slow down!!!@Benjinchas said that only one record is in SFDC/Marketo, and one record is Marketo Only.
Typically, when merging in that situation, the Marketo only reco...