I've tried to wrap up the approach detailed by a few people into a nice neat package for you.
Create a field called Next Birthday. You'll need to prime this for all y...
that's an incredibly open ended question.
In general terms, I work with clients to have robust and regular data extracts into a database (which one isn't critical) ...
that's probably more a question for the Webinar vendor.
That being said, what's to stop them registering with a personal email account and a fake name? You'll never real...
You've got a variable called $alloulets at the top (note there is no 't' in the spelling) and you refer to $alloutlets further down (with a 't').
I do like that ...
@rgallegos,I think this needs more context?
What do you mean by bad leads? What do you actually mean by 'resubscribed'?
I'm hoping the answer@Michael_Floringave covers your questio...
@PaddyRR, OK.. so the if construct really isn't ideal.
What you'll want to do is set up the data as a map. Loop through your custom objects. Test to see if they are open, and whic...