Sanford Whiteman - tagging you to ensure you saw my request for assistance above regarding enabling "Not You?" on forms without using "If visitor is know" function.
Hey Josh,I'd recommend building an email performance report for emails sent during the timeframe you specified. From there, just look to see what emails had poor deliverability or ...
I haven't experienced any issues today and Marketo has not reported any incidents: Marketo StatusI'd recommend checking your Marketo campaign queue (screenshot below and i believe ...
So you literally provide no fields on the form and based on them being cookied marketo will capture the form submit, correct? Never used a form with no fields which is why I ask......
Alright... i'm riding the struggle bus here and can't figure this out. When you use the "if visitor is know, show custom HMTL" on forms there is "Not You?" functionality that clear...
So they fill a general subscribe form and check the box to receive email, then send them the "confirm consent" email that directs them to a consent confirmation form, correct? That...
I was reading through this discussion: Bot-checks in emails that highlights an issue were security software clicks all the links in an email to verify none are malicious. All of th...
Agree with Sanford that a link would help. Have you tested the form submission to see if the values are captured in your MArketo instance regardless of the landing page behavior yo...
Hey Trinity,I cannot seem to see the checkboxes you are referring to in the link provided... am i missing something? And can you clarify the name of the field in question and the f...