Quick question for the community. We've recently entered into a partnership with another company. We will be sending emails to customers who book our joint product not only on our ...
Great stuff Justin, thanks so much. Let me know if you find out anything more. I would have assumed we are sending fully signed DMARC but now I'll have to check!
Hi JoshNothing on the forums seems to relate to email favicons, only web ones. I could try putting something like <LINK REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF="favicon.ico"> in the header of my ...
My colleague passed me a screenshot the other day of his iPhone Yahoo Mail app. Our email was in there, alongside Uber and Amazon's. But while Uber and Amazon had their brand logos...
Hi LuchoIdeally you would A/B test it. You're right, it totally depends on the audience, internet connections and so forth. If your users are predominantly desktop, it won't be an ...
Once you have the quiz functionality up and running through a third party, and pass the data into each profile in Marketo, the next part is relatively easy.I would recommend settin...
Rasmus we have the same problem. We use SFID as the unique identifier, but Marketo dedupes list imports on email address. This makes no sense and makes it really difficult to updat...
Double confirmation as per Newsroom - I've tried this both ways and Delinda Tinkey has it right!Best practice is to allocate the percentages in the choices you want and the remain...
I think the Request Campaign functionality is the easy part of it. The hard part is the date comparison. If you can get the right fields to say "If we are within two weeks of renew...