If I implement a lead grading system in addition to a lead scoring system, is it best practice to share all scores/grades with sales? Seems like it will be a bit overwhelming, with...
I thought the polls were a great feature.I recently tried to create a poll regarding ABM maturity but was not able to.Is this community feature going to be sunsetted?
Hi Nina,The good news is you can always switch back, so I would test and try editing a few templates. I would say simple layout templates will be fine, newsletter and more sophisti...
Brett Jackson Hi Brett, I'd love to learn about your non-profit and volunteer possibly, I connected with you on the community, so you can message me, or shoot me a note dalfonso A...
Frank Breen good call, brain fuzz on that one. I was thinking about the way I check database limits, and I usually have our instance at limit, so thanks for catching my mistake.
Hi Deborah,{{Company is on the account object (in Salesforce) and {{lead is on the lead and contact objects (in Salesforce).So you would use the prefix pertaining to the object tha...
Jonathan Yu Go to lead database and click on all leads, it is a system smart list on the left, wait for it to calculate, number will appear bottom right
Hi Lindsey,You will have to contact Marketo support to abort the send. And then for next send, you can run a smart campaign to everyone who was not sent the AB test.