Hi Jennifer,You can use the Champion/Challenger test to A/B test emails in a trigger campaign. Instructions for doing so can be found here:Email Tests - Champion/Challenger - Marke...
Hello Gregoire,You should be able to have two DKIM keys as long as they are not on the same domain (m1._domainkey.olddomain.com vs. m1._domainkey.newdomain.com.) or on the same sel...
You would have to do an Email Performance Report for each day and then collate the results in Excel. There's no way to get a per-day count report within Marketo Analytics.
Hello Steph,Are you talking about importing a .csv of leads into a static list? If so, when you select the "Default (Fast Import)" option in the import wizard, any new leads on the...
While I am a Marketo employee, I'm not authorized to make official responses on behalf of Marketo so I guess I will have to let things stand as they are.
I'm not able to leave a comment there without signing up for a service of some sort, which I'm not comfortable doing when I don't know what the implications of sign-up are. Perhaps...
Hi Erica,I just recalled that Phillip Wild uses Calendar HD in his organization. Maybe he could give you some insight on what features he finds useful in it.
Hi Erica,Most of the documentation is going to be How-To documentation, but if you want feature lists and example use cases, I would recommend contacting your Account Manager or Ac...