Hi Lilian Oke, You could create a smart list to grab people that signed up for both. Use the member of program filter and add a constraint of program status which is set to the su...
Hi Grégoire Michel, This might sound like a stupid question. I was trying to target people that were in different queues last year from Marketo. I can't remember the full details ...
Hi Cody Haener, Let the Marketo Sync User own them. Once they reach MQL stage I would sync them to SalesForce using SFDC lead assignment rules and then they can be dropped in the ...
I think this is an issue that would require several different Workspaces and Partitions based on the different business units.You would then have a default workspace with a main pr...
Thanks for the further explanation Dan Stevens, that makes complete sense. Don't know how you could pull that detail into RCE reliably then if it is getting overwritten each time ...
Hi Robert Stanley, How do you convert the % to status'? Do you have a numeric field in your database storing that number? If so, can you not add that field to RCE with Custom Fiel...
Hi Laura Abbott, That looks very much like it is displaying a mobile view on the desktop. Sometimes email clients can strip out and do weird things with the css styles that are ad...
Hi Jasmine Jackson-Irwin, Is there a different URL or link in the new email? (Such as faking a forward in your reminder email and adding an email signature with a link back to you...