I want to be able to see just how much the features of MSI are being used by sales and not just for sending emails. There are dozens of apps that can send emails from SF. My team a...
I would love to get these stats too! I tried a while ago to no avail. This should be addressed as it helps justify the need for the plugin. I recently showed the full functionality...
This might work, its what I do. In the MarketoThankYou div you can add whatever you want. <script src="//app-xxxx.marketo.com/js/forms2/js/forms2.js"></script> <form id="mktoForm_1...
Thats an interesting question. I think the Account data would trump the lead and contact information being sent over as Account data is not by directional between SFDC and Marketo ...
Can you provide a bit more detail about what you are wanting to do? i.e. Take a payment when someone registers for an event?The way it would be integrated would largely depend upon...