Chris Lu,You mention creating a brand new .csv with a different file name. Does this mean you saved the current version with a new name or have you copied the contents and pasted ...
Hi Josh Hill,To be honest there is no pressing need for us to do one particular thing. We are just looking to improve our instance; deduplication, better utm tracking etc... I was...
Hi Grégoire Michel,Could be completely off on this but I'll have a stab at it, the instance I'm on doesn't have RTP. Could you create a score field. Then create 4 smart campaigns,...
Hi Guys, There seems to be many different ways to improve a Marketo instance with third party addons / Launchpoint services. My question is, if you could pick three what would they...
Why don't you create a shared email inbox that all of your sales team have access to. Then just make sure to send a copy of every email to that inbox (either include it in a trigge...
Check out this article on animated gifs A Guide to Animated GIFs In Email It might get you half way to what you want to achieve. I would also just be aware of the limitations that ...
Have you tried adding a wait step to give the system time to create the URL after you register?Are you also running through this program as a live test and not just sending samples...