Hi Carly Stevens, This doesn't answer your entire question but can you not use the one form and dynamically hide and show elements based on country drop down. If theyselect a cert...
Hi Jutta Stienen, Is it only these pages that are using the /bootstrap_50y.css file? Is so you could remove the margin auto on that section and see what effect it has on those p...
Hi Jutta Stienen, The issue is that your landing page is not as wide as the bootstrap container that you are adding it into. Each Section has a container which has margin left and...
Hi Jutta Stienen, Can you provide a mock up of what you are actually trying to achieve? I looked at the code and it seems there are a inline styles which are applying left padding...
Have you thought about using MSI Interesting moments to fill in gaps in what people are doing. You can use tags to dynamically populate these with webpages etc so you would only ne...
Hi Veera Kumar,I see what you are saying, but it doesn't seem like an ideal solution. Are your products not related? Would sales not want to see what else they have purchased and ...
Thanks for the info Sanford Whiteman. I didn't know the data would populate before the trigger fired unless there was a wait step in place. Is it me, or is utm parameters not bein...
Hi @Natali,In the flow step tab can you not just add a wait step of a few minutes at the very start to give the system time to update the utm_content field and then do a check of t...