Thats an interesting question. I think the Account data would trump the lead and contact information being sent over as Account data is not by directional between SFDC and Marketo ...
Can you provide a bit more detail about what you are wanting to do? i.e. Take a payment when someone registers for an event?The way it would be integrated would largely depend upon...
Hi Jakob, Without revenue explorer there wouldn't be a way to pull this data at a lead level. The main Marketo system would be able to give you the email performance for each email...
Hi Juliane Santos,Does the Salesforce campaign have the exact same status' as the Marketo campaign? If you go to the Salesforce campaign you are syncing to and click on the advance...
Hi Karly, I would use a second smart campaign that manages leads that attain a Person/Lead Score of over 100. This smart campaign will then make sure all the criteria is met before...
Hi Jakob, Do you have Revenue Explorer as part of your licence? This could be done very easily with its reporting features. You would just create an email analysis report. In the f...