What kind of smart lists are you wanting to create? I'm guessing you are not able to use them as most tokens that users create are at the program level and would not work outside o...
Hi Sarah Mayer,I would use smart lists as they would be easier to manage and make amendments to, which I think you will want to do as you refine these lists going forward. I would...
OK Jay Wei I think I am following you. I'm assuming you are wanting to send them all the same email?If so what I would do is go into the smart list section and search for your fie...
I would suggest that most of this lead routing and activity should be being carried out in a CRM like Salesforce. There should be a single lead/contact record where all the activit...
Hi Michael Qian System managed fields are fields managed automatically by Marketo and other sources such as Salesforce. They can not be edited by a user. Check out this page in the...
Hi Jay, Im not sure I follow your question but you should be able to segment the leads based on vendor code in your smart list section. You could also use the "send" flow step and ...
Hi John Crumpton,I think this is a huge topic and something that will be hard to answer in a forum post. Firstly you need to work with sales to establish exactly what a Marketing ...
Hi Nikola Mihajlovic,Just to add an extra bit of detail. In your alert email that you are creating you can pull in some details on the person that has filled in the form. I have a...