Hi Ian,Default lead status is a SFDC setting, you need to get your SFDC administrator to change this if you'd like it to be something else. As Keith says, when you push leads from ...
I can verify this approach works - I've used it before. You have to be disciplined when you set up your "Create Task" flow action and make sure that everyone who is creating tasks ...
You definitely should see it pretty much right away as soon as the sync is finished. Part of the process is to disable the SFDC sync. Can you make sure you've re-enabled it after y...
Hi Kim,The new email program is not really built for that scenario.For that scenario personally I'd be tempted to stick to using a default program and working with the old "random ...
Hi Christina,Have a look through the user guide for this feature: http://community.marketo.com/MarketoTutorial?id=kA250000000Kyt7CACYou have to set up the Webex event adapter throu...
Hi - Only custom fields on standard objects will flow through automatically on the next sync round.If the field is on a custom object, you may not have enabled that particular cust...
Regarding California, yes, there's a neat delineation in zip codes that I've found useful in the past - zip code greater than a certain number = north, and less than = south.Perhap...
I second Jason's approach - I've found that the separate program is excellent for tracking whether or not Sales use these emails and the effectiveness of them. I've linked the Prog...
Hi Trish,I can see you have also posted a discussion over here http://community.marketo.com/MarketoDiscussionDetail?id=90650000000PjgmAAC which means you seem to have found the ans...