Issue DescriptionWe have a custom landing page template and we were able to see that landing page is not rendering perfectly on the editor but works as expected when published. How...
Issue DescriptionYou need to revert a data value change for a field on multiple leads.Issue ResolutionThere is no way through the UI to "undo" a data value change (unless it was a ...
Issue DescriptionLead fails sync to SFDC with the error INVALID_OR_NULL_FOR_RESTRICTED_PICKLIST: bad value for restricted pick list fieldIssue Resolution This happens when the Mark...
Issue DescriptionYou want to set a field such as "Country" to be required on a list import.Issue Resolution You cannot require a field to be included on a list import. To see any l...
Issue DescriptionEmails with valid email address get soft bounced with this error: Local address contains control or whitespaceIssue Resolution This error means that the email has ...
Issue DescriptionIssue in delivering Marketo Email (especially for mimecast users). Email get bounced with Error: 550 Rejected by header based Anti-Spoofing policyIssue Resolution ...
Issue DescriptionCalls made to the REST API return response code 611 "System Error".Issue Resolution Submit a Customer Support ticket with the following informationThe full body of...
Issue DescriptionHow is syndication ID set up while setting up a referral offerIssue Resolution For a referrer to be given credit they must have a Marketo Syndication ID assigned. ...
Issue DescriptionYou come across a few leads who failed to sync to SFDC and would like to have the list of leads who faced the same issue. Issue Resolution Unfortunately Marketo do...
Issue DescriptionWhat happens when you enable "Send all Tout emails in my team through this server connection" within the SMTP Server settings on ToutApp.comIssue Resolution When y...