Issue DescriptionIn a recent engagement with support you had your Leads restored, or you plan on restoring your Lead Record. Lead records that are restored will not be able to sync...
Issue DescriptionUsing a token in the Smart List of a Campaign yields unexpected results, an error, or the campaign to not trigger.Issue Resolution Tokens cannot be used in the Sma...
Issue DescriptionThe Email Dashboard is not displaying accurate data after sending an email via the Email Program.Issue Resolution Email dashboards can take up to 72 hours to fully...
Issue DescriptionIn sent emails, if the system token {{system.viewAsWebpageLink}} is used, the link will load successfully on web browsers. However on the same browser session, aft...
Issue DescriptionImporting a program from one subscription to another is failing and is returning the following error sent via email:Marketo encountered an error while importing [P...
Issue DescriptionNaming conventions of email in email performance reportIssue Resolution Email reports will use an email's full label including the program it exists in. Although a...
Issue DescriptionDuplicate records were sent an email from an Email Program. Issue Resolution While Marketo prevents sending emails to duplicate records (i.e. same email address) v...
Issue DescriptionExample: Person A was sent an email from Marketo, clicked on a tracked link in an Email to a tracked web page, but the web page activity was recorded on Person BIs...
Issue DescriptionYou have created a Smart List with a filter for a date type field and you are using the constraints either “before” or “on or before” a particular date. However, r...
Issue DescriptionCustomers based in our Sydney datacenter experienced a service issue which caused an intermittent disruption in email sends beginning 10:30 AM AEST local time on N...