IssueWhat is meant by the socially acquired member of a program such as a webinar program?
SolutionLeads acquired by the following Social Apps are part of the "Socially Acquired" ...
IssueYou have a tracked link in an email. When the email is received, the link breaks and doesn't redirect to the desired page. The link works perfectly when the tracking is disabl...
IssueSometimes, you may notice that editing the text version also affects the HTML version of the email. Is there a way to edit the text version without the same edits occurring to...
IssueHow to use the REST API to check for deleted leads.
SolutionYou would need to use the specific endpoint
This will pull a list of leads deleted within a specific timeframe. De...
IssueHow to move Design Studio assets when migrating to a new instance.
SolutionClone the assets into a Program, then import the Program into the new instance. For Forms, make sur...
IssueYou would like to pull a report of all the non-marketable records that you have in Marketo.
SolutionYou can do this via a Smart List:
Use the Any filter in the Smart List.
IssueEmail Insights does not display any data or metrics for a specific program when the emails in the program are operational.
SolutionOperational emails are hidden by default, s...
IssueSometimes there can be a circumstance where a text token should hold null value. Since the token must contain a value, you need to insert a value that will display as empty wh...
IssueWhy is the number of records shown in the Opportunity Analysis report in Revenue Explorer different from the number of records shown in a Smart List with the same filters? (e....
IssueMy Tokens are displaying the default value instead of the value assigned to them by a higher-level folder or program.
SolutionConfirm that the asset using the tokens is insid...