In addition to@Michael_Florin's confirmation, I would actually leave the person in the stream they are in and simpy change the cadence. If you move them to a "paused stream" (I pre...
Hi@Shane_Rourke2, the default value for the cadence is Normal, so as soon as you add a person to an Engagement Program that is what they will be set to. There's a plethora of reaso...
I haven't seen the S2S solution in action yet, so cannot tell you at this stage. Also not sure who were in the beta, so can't refer you either I'm afraid. We'll have to see when it...
What I know of the new S2S connection is that it would not use a sync user anymore, so there would also not be a username and password, only client id and client...
I am not sure how you did the reconciliation in excel, but please bear in mind that the email performance report has some logic applied. For example, the same email being sent to t...
Wow, you really raised the hairs in the back of my neck so early in the morning with that blog title! Who would want to purposely create duplicated? But indeed, there could be use ...