That is exactly the reason. It is also why I always set up utm tracking with a set of UTM_last and a set of UTM_first fields on the person and only transfer them to PMCF fields lev...
It is exactly as Sanford says, it all indicates exactly the same. In the database, all timestamps are stored in a unified format and your personal profile settings dictate how it i...
From the bulk activity API you can pull activities with type 2 which is Fill out Form. The primary attribute listed in that activity is Webform ID, which is a numerical value, corr...
Well, the short answer is you can still not disconnect one SFDC from your existing Marketo instance and replace it with another instance. So if you have a native connection running...
A bit messy is an understatement. If you can avoid creating duplicates, please do. Why don't you create a Sales Activity or Alert if the person already has a Sales Owner assigned?
As a matter of fact, as this is a new engagement program effectively, it will not remember who went through which step in the nurture stream anymore. However, when you have content...
Information on a form fill would always be in the activity data. Fills out form is activity type 2 and as far as I recall you will get the form id in the extracts, but I am unsure ...
A good and thorough explanation!
One other thing I would bear in mind is that your activity history in its core will not migrate along. So there might be some work arounds you may ...