Some very good suggestions with the landing page performance report and the people performance report with custom columns already. I would like to add one best practice to the mix ...
Agreed with Sanford here, but in general it is expected that there are mismatches between the standard Marketo reporting and raw activity data, as the Marketo reports have some in-...
Although@Michael_Florinis correct in his answer on both questions, I would suggest to start a new thread with this new question. As the original post is quite old, this can become ...
The best practice we use is to set up a specific Marketo program for acquisition program CRM purposes and all people coming in from your CRM as program member to that program as so...
I received feedback from Product Management. As I expected, there will be no real impact. As the Results tab on a smart campaign is only a specific view on the activity log and the...
It is very important to understand the functionality of a custom sync filter. It indicates whether a record should be "kept in sync". If the sync filter is set to true, any changes...
A common bug bear without a real solution at the moment I'm afraid. There is a really old idea in the ideas section that could do with some more support to have it prioritized:http...