Good Afternoon,I am setting up an alert for when a web hook receives an error. I am using tokens to fill in the majority of the information. I would like to include the error such ...
Good morning,If I have multi-streams within an engagement program is there anyway to police them to ensure that a person is only a member of one stream within the program?Cheers,Er...
Sanford,So essentially it would need to be redirected from with in our products system? so an initial web hook after the form fill and then a redirect if there is an error?
Hey Josh,The form would be sitting on a page on our Word Press site. Initiates by filling out the form. I have the same web hooks that we have used prior. Unfortunately it doesn't ...
Good Morning,I am trying to feed my Marketo form directly into our product. I have the web hooks set up and ready to go. I am looking at a solution that would not let marketo form ...
Is there a location in Marketo to see all the current action flow process running on your account? I was running a action flow to delete some leads and the browser timed out. Do I ...
Joseph,I am currently in the modeler and editing it. When I go to click on the MQL stage, I am only seeing this. There must be a menu I am missing within the Revenue model.