I'm a web, database, and network architect based in NYC, with specializations in the financial services, publishing, and SaaS sectors.
I build complex Marketo integrations for companies large and small... and can make Marketo forms and emails do things you never thought possible!
Check out my blog at https://blog.teknkl.com, which has Marketo-specific technical insights you won't see anywhere else, along with wider topics from my programming and systems work.
See here: http://developers.marketo.com/blog/server-side-form-post/ You do need the Munchkin ID (`munchkinId`) and form id (`formid`). These are hidden fields on a Forms 2.0 form.
Grant, Marketo will not automatically copy form field data into a cookie. (Of course, if you set the source of a hidden field to be a cookie, then by definition you also have a cop...
Sure, just create a YT.Player for each video. You would want to avoid duplicate variable names, too -- probably use an array of video IDs, etc.BTW the latest code is at MktoMunchki...
First, you're not using correct terminology. You probably mean "point a domain registered through GoDaddy to my Marketo landing page area."This guide will help, and I think you al...
Within an LP, Landing Page Actions >> Edit Page Meta Tags >> Custom HEAD HTML.Within an LP Template, include in the HEAD. Lots of different ways to include external CSS.
I was specifically addressing the dropdown lists of ranks (blank-1-2-3-4), which have no reason to exist that I can see, as long the browser supports drag-and-drop. And the fact th...
When you use an IFRAME, you are in essence embedding an entire web page (document) inside another web page.If http://pages.example.com/formlp.html works on its own, then <IFRAME sr...
Interesting... what a strange (almost unusable?) UX they're presenting.Obviously the drag-and-drop part makes sense, but if you set the dropdown numbers to be different from the vi...
It's quite possible that I could develop a crazy way to mirror the same functionality in Mkto, just for a lark at least. What's the URL of your Survey Monkey poll?