I'm a web, database, and network architect based in NYC, with specializations in the financial services, publishing, and SaaS sectors.
I build complex Marketo integrations for companies large and small... and can make Marketo forms and emails do things you never thought possible!
Check out my blog at https://blog.teknkl.com, which has Marketo-specific technical insights you won't see anywhere else, along with wider topics from my programming and systems work.
In this case it sounds like 2 clicks to get the download after clicking the email. Which IMO could be other good or bad depending on what value is gleaned from that widget. If you ...
I don't think anybody would say adding arbitrary steps is a best practice! But what does that (possibly) extraneous click do? Is it a checkbox that is proven to (or reasonably thou...
You don't need your cookie to be associated before using that method. You just need the Lead ID (or other lead key) which you can append to the URL.But I wouldn't recommend using t...
There's no reason to use a trigger campaign to get the fields for the current lead. You're already running in the context of the current lead so you have the {{Lead.Id}} token (and...
"the URL of an SQL server database" doesn't exist.Webhooks call HTTP endpoints, which could be RESTful, RESTish, SOAP, or any custom protocol you want (well, as long as you return ...
It's not normal behavior for a Marketo textarea (let alone a browser textarea in general) to interpret "Enter" as "Submit." Are you using a textarea field, or simply a text field? ...
You'll have to provide both URLs. You seem to be talking about prefill now, whereas at first you talked about prog-pro. In any case there's no reason for the IFRAME w/page X to be ...
Actually progressive profiling works even with embedded forms. It's prefill that doesn't work. Two different concepts.IFRAME = a Marketo LP in an IFRAME. If it works when you hit t...
Is there any possibility to clean the cookie before the visitor is recognized ? Not in the LP context, because you're clearing the cookie using JS and JS only fires after the docum...
No , I am not using a webhook. Instead, am using Marketo's REST API to Create/Update lead, sending data as a JSON response and mapping to custom fields created. Are you accounting ...