I'm a web, database, and network architect based in NYC, with specializations in the financial services, publishing, and SaaS sectors.
I build complex Marketo integrations for companies large and small... and can make Marketo forms and emails do things you never thought possible!
Check out my blog at https://blog.teknkl.com, which has Marketo-specific technical insights you won't see anywhere else, along with wider topics from my programming and systems work.
The problem isn't just the vulnerability of this particular functionality. It's that every API call unnecessarily used is an API call that you can't use for another integration whe...
If you proxy every form post to Marketo, you're subject to exactly the same DoS attack. Someone with a 56K modem and hardly any skill could bring down your functionality in a half-...
Thanks, Greg. You knew I was about to say it. Moreover, there is no reason to even be tempted to use the API here. A Marketo native form post (or custom form post to the endpoint) ...
I was using a 2 second delay - random meaning that values doesn't have a solid reasonbesides it seems to generally work (understanding it's bad!).The thing is, it won't always work...
The code will never work like that. You would see an error if you looked at your console.form.setValues({ "Campaign_Asset__c":"HallmarkAssessTemplate"});if( !form.getValues()['Camp...
Thank you Sanford - this helps confirm I was on a good track with my initial approach which felt promising. I replied to Greg's post above also, and would like to hear how you get ...
should I resort to server side REST calls? Use the REST and SOAP APIs only for bulk actions, not in response to individual user actions. This should be your mantra (it kind of is ...
Don't even consider calling the REST API from the browser. Proxying user actions hit-for-hit to the API is a DoS risk, way out in front of any data integrity risk.I don't know how ...
True, on your webserver it may be a 404. But on another server it may be perfectly fine -- it likely would have originated from a typo, but now that's the real URL and without the ...