I'm a web, database, and network architect based in NYC, with specializations in the financial services, publishing, and SaaS sectors.
I build complex Marketo integrations for companies large and small... and can make Marketo forms and emails do things you never thought possible!
Check out my blog at https://blog.teknkl.com, which has Marketo-specific technical insights you won't see anywhere else, along with wider topics from my programming and systems work.
Re: 2: You must turn on the corresponding Treasure Chest option, then an active form ID is necessary for a post to be processed. Yes, the attacker can still get or guess a valid ID...
Printing fallback content when a Lead field is blank is a basic Velocity task. You can do it in a few lines of clunky code... but that's a few lines too many!
Seeking a one-liner...
No and yes. What you're describing isn't "Forward to Friend" because it doesn't relate to an email directly. F2F specifically means re-sending an email in the context of another (p...
This JS string-splitting approach is a sure code smell, but I see it all the time on LPs:var partsOfString = stringifiedLeadInfo.split("|");var firstName = partsOfString[0];var las...
Mail scanners have not a single idea that your URL was once a Marketo {{my.token}} before Marketo substituted the token value. Once they see the email, it's an href like any other....