Add a filter to your trigger campaign which is "email contains" Then you can create your own test leads and simulate the trigger process to make sure they get added corre...
If you're doing real-time calculations with the point of showing a prospect, I'd do that with JavaScript, and then send the calculated value to Marketo as a field value. Those kind...
In the Reporting section, you can make a new report called an Email Performance Report. Then you can go into the "Setup" tab and make sure all possible emails are selected, and cha...
Email opens, probably. Email opens are problematic because they're not very exact, but if you don't have actual CTAs on your email, then that'll be your best proxy.
The SFDC sync is assuming that you're going to be doing this as a one-to-one sync between records in Marketo and records in SFDC anyway, which is probably a big assumption in this ...
Hey Vivian, I think you just need a normal out-of-the-box sync with SFDC. You might have some small configuration setups, but I would only resort to "customized solutions to integr...
That is going to be an absolute monster of a list upload. I would recommend breaking into smaller lists of around 100k. The problem with doing a single list of 1.8m is that you won...
Hey, this is one of my specialties! Send me a message and I'll show you a behind-the-scenes troubleshooting tool.What you're going to want to do is narrow down the problem to see w...
Hey Nick, if you're looking for a quick-and-dirty solution, you should just drag in an HTML element and paste the conversion code in there. It's as close to the end of </body> as r...