I have not found one. I'm familiar with your problem, but the usual solution is to keep it clean from the start instead of going through and removing all field references after th...
That's correct! I put in a backup text token instead of the normal rich text token when doing the text-only version of the email. Just keep it to one sentence so you don't have lin...
Just going through old posts and had an update for this one."Random sample," when used on TRIGGER campaigns, actually does have exact-math round-robin distribution. The smart campa...
Allison Sparrow Only in emails! Emails in the Design Studio take the tokens from the smart campaign's program that's casting the email. Not the case for landing pages, unfortunate...
We (Etumos) built one of these! Specifically meant to do this exact thing with Marketo Forms 2.0. I call it one of our microproducts. Basically, it's some JS on a landing page with...
Elliott LoweWe've (Etumos) built a small product to do the same thing, but integrated with Marketo Forms 2.0. Does real-time validation on the email address then uses Marketo's nat...
Hey Kate, Marketo dedupes by email address only by default. I do know that you can add MORE specificity to the deduplication logic, but you can't change away from email address. Fo...