HiKarthick77,Nurture programs is a tool most suited to build relationship with your leads & drive them towards the bottom of the Sales cycle.A nurture program is best utilized when...
This article might help.https://nation.marketo.com/t5/knowledgebase/setting-up-secured-domains-for-marketo-landing-pages-adding-new/ta-p/251104#jive_content_id_STEP_3_Create_New_La...
Hiishi1234,I have also faced this issue with one of my clients & this happens when the DNS is not properly propagated.I will suggest to reconfigure DNS & try, this might take up to...
Hi Nihal,Can you elaborate on your requirement.If your requirement is to show some additional form fields based on the input of a particular field then YES this can be achieved by ...
Hi C_Blakeley,This might be the issue related to alignment.You can try using inline styling in your code for exampleinstead of using align="left", also include inline style to floa...
True,The logic in your Smart list will filter anyone who was not delivered any email in past 6months & anyone who has performed one of the other 3 activities i.e. either not filled...
HiArturo Olivares,Social Columns in LP Performance report includes data from Socially shared landing pages. This means if you have a Social share icon placed in your LP & share you...
Hi,I assume you are referring to Marketo Registration Landing page.You can just unapprove the registration landing page details can be found here.I will suggest the better option w...
HiAllison MunsonYes, you cannot share Programs directly across workspaces, they must be inside a folder. The word of caution here is Only parent folder containing your assets can b...
Hisusantolstunov,I have cleared my certification in Nov 2023, the best way to practice for your exam is to Use your Sand Box as your Practice Board. The best way to do as much hand...