I'm about to implement a UTM strategy but instead of the MT fields we're considering just one UTM_History field that would go like this:DateTime: {{system.datetime}}Campaign = {{le...
Hi Morgan Corbett1. In my Master Nurture Program, I have a folder called Email Tracking, which is where the SLs live.2. I don't assign progression statuses other than In Program a...
Very interesting. Marketo suspends an email address for....I believe 36 hours (???) if it gets a spam complaint.However, why did I recommend suppressing them? Because these are lik...
I have a general rule of thumb to never approve my own work...too easy to be blind to my own problems. I check everything line by line and ask "Is this correct." Even as a seasoned...
I didn't mean to imply that one way was right or wrong so if it came off like that please forgive me and I can reword or remove the quote. I just meant to illustrate that we each d...