While I don't use Marketo for B2C, I can't help but point out it's hard to quantify what "well" means, e.g.Marketo's nurture programs and automation capabilities work "well" for bu...
Your explanation hasn't made it any clearer. Anyway, if you have only a few standard increments e.g. only ever +5, +10, +15 or +20... you can add them all to a campaignIf you want ...
Can you show what you've tried, or describe the business problem you're trying to solve.The above example is what we use to promote leads from Known to MQL status (lead score > 60 ...
Not within Marketo. I know Hubspot has the option to automatically add utm values, and believe it or not, our digital manager found it to be a pain in the ass because random values...
1. Does this mean I would have to setup a smart campaign in every email I deploy, in order for this to work?You don't have to have a new smart campaign for every email send. You ca...
Not sure where you got the 95% from.Anyway, feedback on Hubspot's REST API and webhooks is that it's no where near as good as Marketo's.Also their workflow rules don't compare to s...