Thanks for the explanation in accessible language. The email address field is there, but it's hidden at the moment. If its a visiblefield on the form, this means the email address ...
also, is this script to add that you are referring to:
var myForm = MktoForms2.allForms()[0];
//These are the values which will be submitted to Marketo
not sure I understand the second part of your reply. The email address does not appear on the email-sub facing version of the form; all that appears is a CTA that once clicked, wil...
- form in question can be accessed when email sub clicks 'communication preferences' in email footer
- once ''communication preferences' clicked, email sub i...
I use the following UTM tokens for all URLs in my Marketo emails, to then track in GA:{{my.universal-UTM-campaign}},{{my.universal-UTM-medium}},{{my.universal-UTM-source}}
For x r...
Hiya folks,
I'm using the following combination͏  to create white space right after the pre-headerto avoiding pulling the email'selements into the inbox view/enve...