Re: [Coffee Break] Gen AI for Dynamic Chat on June 12th at 8 AM PST

Level 10

Re: [Coffee Break] Gen AI for Dynamic Chat on June 12th at 8 AM PST

Hey all - 


I'm a litte confused as to what the situation of AI in DC actually is: Is it already available with the DC Prime Plan? Or is it in Beta or even Alpha?



Marketo Employee

Re: [Coffee Break] Gen AI for Dynamic Chat on June 12th at 8 AM PST

Hello @Michael_Florin 

For GenAI DC there are three phases:

Phase 1: Respond to visitor questions but only from an approved response library 

This is to ensure that you do not have to worry about any hallucinations and still leverage GenAI


Phase 2: Ability to enable your website visitor ask questions and get response directly from GenAI models

In this phase, you will have the control on the knowledge that you want the GenAI model to consider and also set restriction/ Gaurdrails


Phase 3: GenAI powered humanlike conversations

In this phase you leverage the full power of GenAI models that it will drive fully automated multi-turn conversations and drive visitor to a KPI that you want to achieve 


Phase 1: Already generally available with Dynamic Chat Prime

Phase 2: In Alpha right now and Beta in Aug 2024

Level 10

Re: [Coffee Break] Gen AI for Dynamic Chat on June 12th at 8 AM PST

Where do we create new agents for Dynamic Chat? And do these new agents also have to Marketo users? Or product users of Dynamic Chat in the Adobe Admin Console?

Marketo Employee

Re: [Coffee Break] Gen AI for Dynamic Chat on June 12th at 8 AM PST

Hey @Michael_Florin 


Thank you for asking this, quite commonly asked one. 


In short the answer is NO. Dynamic Chat user don't have to be Marketo user.


You can manage users of Dynamic Chat from - here is a tutorial

Marketo Employee

Re: [Coffee Break] Gen AI for Dynamic Chat on June 12th at 8 AM PST

Hey @JeffHensiek ,


For CoPilot inside Marketo Engage to help you with campaigns, reports etc there are plans to bring AI Assistant (similar to AEP AI Assistant)

For providing a GenAI powered conversation to your web visitors Dynamic Chat would be best to leverage

Level 4

Re: [Coffee Break] Gen AI for Dynamic Chat on June 12th at 8 AM PST

We've learned - based on our test chatbots - that the simpler is better.

We get low conversions when our chatbot is longer and more conversions when it's much shorter.  That user behavior would make sense if we consider the chatbot to be a robust form.

Jeff Hensiek
Marketing Automation Program Manager
Level 1

Re: [Coffee Break] Gen AI for Dynamic Chat on June 12th at 8 AM PST

Well that totally makes sense as user wants to solve their inquiries asap. So direct and short chat that address the user inquiries is a great User experience.

Marketo Employee

Re: [Coffee Break] Gen AI for Dynamic Chat on June 12th at 8 AM PST

Great insight! you should leverage conditional branching and new re-usable flows  to further drive the conversation more contextually based on what you already know about the lead

Level 4

Re: [Coffee Break] Gen AI for Dynamic Chat on June 12th at 8 AM PST

My biggest question with the Marketo Dynamic Chat feature is simply, how can I access it? I have been unable access it since it came out (despite working with the support team).


When I click the Dnyamic Chat tile in Marketo, it directs me to Adobe Experience Cloud, and this is where the trouble starts. I cannot access Experience Cloud (despite working with support), so I have been unable to use it.

Marketo Employee

Re: [Coffee Break] Gen AI for Dynamic Chat on June 12th at 8 AM PST

Hey @Steve_Schimmel 


You can access Dynamic Chat from where once you login you should see Dynamic Chat product.  By default all Marketo admins should have access to Dynamic Chat.


Here is a quick tutorial of how to manage users -


if you still not able to access please drop us an email at