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Issue Description You wish to use all features of Revenue Explorer reporting and need to set up your instance to pass the necessary information to RCE Issue Resolution In order to use all the features of Revenue Explorer, the following tasks should be completed. Each one notes the report type it applies to. 1.) Set relevant Channel Tags Analytics Behavior as 'Inclusive (regardless of Period Cost)' (all RCE analysis areas) 2.) Review and establish appropriate statuses and successes for relevant Channel Tags (Opportunity Analysis; Program Membership Analysis; Program Opportunity Analysis; Program Cost Analysis) 3.) Ensure that the appropriate statuses are being set within the Marketing Programs' smart campaign flow. In other words, based on certain actions, changing the assigned program statuses to leads in some unified manner to ensure Success statuses are set for programs of the same Program Tag/Channel Tag. (Opportunity Analysis; Program Membership Analysis; Program Opportunity Analysis; Program Cost Analysis) 4.) Assign Program Tags to programs to ensure accurate data in reporting. You can even assign past programs with current Tags, and the data will be made available to Revenue Explorer (bearing in mind the 24 hour sync delay of data) (Email Analysis; Program Membership Analysis; Program Cost Analysis; Program Opportunity Analysis; Program Revenue Stage Analysis) 5.)Assign Period Costs to Marketing Programs based on the cost it takes to run the program. (Program Cost Analysis; Program Revenue Stage Analysis; Program Opportunity Analysis) 6.) Build a Revenue Cycle Model that reflects the flow of your business - (Model Performance Analysis (Companies); Model Performance Analysis (Leads); Program Revenue Stage Analysis) Complete the steps that apply to the types of reporting you are interested in. For example, if you would be interested in using Program Cost Analysis, then you would want to complete steps:1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 to get the full capabilities from the tool. If you were interested in Program Membership Analysis, you would complete steps: 1, 2, 3, and 4. Who This Solution Applies To Customers with Revenue Explorer Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue You are trying to export a list of leads from Marketo, some of the records on the list are not being exported. Solution There is a limit when exporting records from Marketo, and it's a file size limit. You are only able to export a certain amount of data. The amount of data being exported is dependent on how many visible fields are represented in the List Columns (controlled by the View), and of course how many records are in the list. If you try to export 10K records with 5 field columns in the list view, this would be less data to export than if you tried exporting 10K records with 50 field columns in the list view. If the list of leads is too large to export in one go, you'll have to break down into multiple smaller lists. You can create smart lists to export, and these smart lists could be separated with First Name 'starts with' "a" and export that list. Then make another smart, First Name 'starts with' "b" and export that list. Etc. You could do this 26 times, or you could try doing two letters at a time, First Name 'starts with' A or B, and export that list. But it really depends on the total number of records and visible columns in the View. That's just one option, but you can apply the same principle with another attribute of your choice. Another way to export a large quantity of leads would be with the API. Marketo Services can also export leads, but this would have an associated cost. If you would be interested in this, please contact your account representative.
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As of November 30, 2019, all the familiar content on the Marketo Engage Status Pagehas been migrated and is now available on the Adobe Status Page .This move allows us to leverage Adobe’s more robust and efficient monitoring platform for not only the standard alerts and scheduled maintenance, but also hotly-requested functionality including pod-specific status updates and proactive notifications!   Timeline October 31, 2019: The functionality to subscribe to notifications at the solution and pod level released on the Adobe Status Page. Customers may begin exploring and subscribing to various notifications.   November 30, 2019: Marketo Status Page was deprecated and a redirect to Adobe Status Page was put in place. Moving forward, please refer to this article for up-to-date System Uptime and Deliverability Scores.   January 8, 2020: To better prepare you for upcoming changes and scheduled maintenance, we have increased the previous two-day ‘lead time’ of these notifications based on impact. Service Maintenance 30-day lead notifications are now available on Web/Mobile/Tablet surfaces and via Email notifications.     Opt-In to Adobe Status Page Subscriptions For step-by-step instructions on how to opt-in to Adobe Status notifications, please refer to this article: Subscribe to Adobe Status Notifications    Common Questions How do I see previous issues or maintenance? 1. Go to: 2. Click "Experience Cloud"  3. Click "Adobe Marketo Engage" 4. Select the appropriate Service  5. Click the dots on the date line to view the details of what occurred on that day What do the colors mean on the Status page? 1. Blue is for maintenance 2. Red is for a major issue 3. Orange is for a minor issue
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Issue You already have a Marketo connected to an instance of Salesforce and want to switch to a different instance of SFDC.     Solution This is not possible. Once you have connected your Marketo instance to an instance of SFDC, that connection cannot be changed. If you want to connect Marketo to a different instance of SFDC, you would need to contact your Customer Success Manager to have a new Marketo instance provisioned.        
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Issue Leads are members of a Marketo Program that is synced with a SFDC campaign, but there are some leads that have not synced to SFDC. Solution 1.) First check to see if this was caused by a Salesforce Sync Error. This can be checked in the Admin area under Admin > Salesforce > Sync Errors. Additionally, errors will appear under Notifications, check for the subject 'Salesforce Sync Error: Unable to Add Leads to Campaigns'. This will list the details of the SFDC Error and a list of sample leads along with the Salesforce campaign that they failed to sync to Example error: INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_ON_CROSS_REFERENCE_ENTITY: insufficient access rights on cross-reference id Sample Leads:    Salesforce Campaign    Campaign name    Campaign name 2.) This can also be caused by mismatched statuses between the Marketo Program and the SFDC Campaign.  If the status doesn't exist on both sides, leads with the problem status can fail to sync. 3.) This can also be caused by a backlog for the program/campaign sync. Check with Marketo Support to see if a backlog is present.   Who This Solution Applies To Customers using Marketo with Salesforce integrated    
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Summary Estimating the external storage requirements for your Marketo Engage Database Issue I want to extract all of my data from Marketo Engage and store it. How much storage space will I need? Environment Marketo Engage and External Systems Solution Summary There is no repeatable method to accurately estimate the amount of storage you will need to extract and store your Marketo Engage database. Standing in the way of good estimation is data availability, field selection, and storage method. Any accurate estimate will take into account the potential sizes of each type of data and their quantities (known to data scientists as "facts and dimensions"). Determining ranges for these values takes a lot of preparation and may require a high level of skill. IMPORTANT NOTE: Estimating Database size is hard so any estimate used to make business decisions should be made in cooperation with a database or application architect or other qualified professional. Scope Some information won't be extracted. Information about anonymous leads, for example, cannot be extracted. Some of the data that can be extracted may not be needed at all. Selecting the right data for your needs is the best practice as it reduces the required storage and leads to a more efficient extraction process. Field Definitions How the fields are defined in the target system will affect how big the stored data is. Depending on your storage format, padding may play a role in the size of your extracted database. As an example, the "Country" field in Marketo is a string of up to 255 characters. You could chose to store 255 characters for every country value. Or you may choose a format that uses a variable amount of space. You might also know that the longest country name is "the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" meaning that 199 of those characters will always be extra so you truncate the value from Marketo storing the first 56 characters only. Each choice will have an impact on the size of your extracted database. Estimating 199 unnecessary characters per lead and making similar decisions for other fields will add up to increased storage requirements and slower extraction time. Format Once the desired data is identified, the next step is to extract, transform and load (ETL) the data from Marketo Engage into your storage system. The data returned by Marketo's API is plain old text which is usually formatted as JSON or CSV. For the information to be useful, you will transform it from JSON into the format necessary for your storage system. That format could be an Excel spreadsheet, Microsoft SQL database or a schema-agnostic database like Azure Cosmos DB. How the data is formatted and encoded will make a big difference in the amount of storage needed. Take this simple example: a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet with "Marketo Engage" in cell A1. I saved that same file in four different formats which resulted in files ranging from 1 KB to 25 KB. The format you store you information in may have a bigger impact on your final storage requirement than the data itself. This is a article attached image   To help illustrate the impact of the storage system, take a look at this guide for Microsoft SQL Database size estimation:  Functionalization Once you've extracted your data, what are you going to do with it? Archiving your data (simply storing it) is easiest and comes with the fewest contraints. A compressed archive (Zip file) will save dramatically on storage space at the cost of functionality and ease of use. Functionalizing your data (using it in an application) requires more: at least better speed and searchability: typically a relational database. An application will often require additional data and that will need to be accounted for too. Facts and Dimensions: Do the Math It's a lot of work to get to this stage. Once you've determined how your extracted data will be stored, you can set upper and lower bounds on the sizes for each object type extracted (lead, email, activity, etc). These are your facts. Then multiply those values by the number of each type of record. These are your dimensions. Add to that the overhead of your target storage system and its functional requirements to generate your final estimates.    
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Issue How to work effectively with Marketo Support to quickly resolve your issues. Solution Best Practices:   Be specific about the issue you are experiencing. Describe the expected behavior or appearance of the asset we are troubleshooting - what you believe should be happening Describe the actual behavior or error in the asset we are troubleshooting. Provide links to the assets we need to troubleshoot. Click on the specific asset in the navigation tree and then copy the URL displayed in the address bar of your browser into your case.  This will take us directly to the asset. If we are troubleshooting a specific asset inside a program, such as a Smart Campaign or an email, provide the link to the asset itself rather than to the program containing the asset. Provide examples of the issue: Provide links to specific leads that are examples of the issue you are having. Even if the issue affects multiple leads, we still need to start by looking at specifics. Provide the exact text of any error messages you might be receiving, along with the timestamps. Screenshots can be very useful for this. When troubleshooting API call issues, attach copies of the the request and the response that show the issue you are having. If the issue concerns a non-Marketo asset such as a webpage, please include the URL.   Include screenshots and log files: Since we do not have access to your CRM, if there is information in the CRM we need to see, attach an uncropped screenshot of an example record to your case. When taking the screenshot, log into the CRM using the Marketo sync credentials. This will allow us to see what Marketo sees through the sync. If you are using MS Dynamics, attach the Marketo logs and Marketo error logs to your case. Involve other resources as necessary, even if they aren't Marketo users.  We may need to work with your CRM admin, your IT department, or your web developer.  CC-ing them on the case is a simple way to loop them into the support case so you don't have to run questions back and forth.   Please be aware that Marketo support are not trained as web developers or CRM admins. We are happy to help you troubleshoot issues with your Marketo instance and integrations, but we are not able to troubleshoot custom code or advise you on details of your CRM administration.
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Issue Description You need to revert a data value change for a field on multiple leads. Issue Resolution There is no way through the UI to "undo" a data value change (unless it was a boolean field, in which case there are only two possible values.) You can certainly use a Smart List to identify whose values have changed, but there no way to go back to the old value (unless it's stored elsewhere in another field or through another data store, along with the API). However, you can use the API to extract the data value change activity from the activity log, which would include the old and new values, extract the original values, then use the API to rewrite the old values back to the lead record.!/Activities/getLeadChangesU… Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue How to confirm ZoomInfo integration is working with Marketo.   Solution First, follow the installation guide: To check if its working: Go to Marketing Activities. Navigate to the folder and then click on the Smart Campaign that runs your Form Complete. From the Smart Campaign, click the top navigation menu item, “Results”. Find the most recent “Call Webhook” activity type and double click it. The Activity Details window will pop-up (check your pop-up blocker if it does not).   Inside this window will be what you need to diagnose most problems. The easiest way to know if it worked or did not is that the Response Code should read: 200. This means it was successful in terms of sending and receiving the response in a way that the API accepted it. Anything other than 200 you should lookup with a Google search and investigate. Finally, go to the Lead  Database, and in the quick find search for the unique contact record that submitted the form to find the record that went through the Form Complete Webhook. Double click the right record from the view and that person record will load up. From the top navigation click, “Info” and scroll down till you see the custom fields you created in Step 1 (above). You should see the fields populated if all of the steps were completed successfully.   Who This Solution Applies To Customers using the ZoomInfo Integration      
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Issue When I go to the Support area of Nation, I do not have full access to all the areas and tools.   Solution Our system is specific about how you need to access the Support Portal before we can authorize you to use it. The proper steps to take for us to authorize, and for you to submit cases, are as follows:   Log into your instance Click the Community tile (step 1 image) Click Support in the top banner (step 2 image) Click Submit a Case option (step 3 image) Choose from top options depending on what you need to do (step 4 image) Create a case, Manage authorized contacts, edit your Info   Simply going straight to the will not have the desired result. You must access the Support Portal from your instance by using these steps so that our system recognizes you properly. If this is your first time following these steps, your view of Step 3 will be different- not to worry, as that will be updated for you manually. Step 1 Step 2   Step 3 Step 4   If you experience issues, please email
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Emails sent with the Send and Track button in the Marketo Outlook Add-in are tracked like emails sent through the Marketo web interface with a few caveats. Tracking multiple recipients If you Send and Track an email with multiple recipients, Marketo will log all click and open activities to the first recipient in the To... field.  Activity done by other email recipients will appear in the first recipient's activity log. New leads versus existing leads When you Send and Track an email and the recipient doesn't exist in Marketo, a new lead will automatically be created. Marketo will do its best to identify the name and company of the lead from the email. When that's not possible, "mktUnknown" will appear in those fields. (Some CRMs will reject leads without a last or company name.) See this article for more: Send and Track an Email with the Email Add-In for Outlook - Marketo Docs - Product Docs When you Send and Track an email to a lead that already exists in Marketo, the email activity will be appended to that lead's activity log. Tracking email sends When you Send and Track an email, the add-in informs Marketo about who sent the email, who it was sent to, and what it contained (subject and body text). This shows up in a user's activity log as a Send Sales Email event. Tracking email opens Emails sent via Send and Track include an invisible image embedded by the add-in; when the email is opened, the email client retrieves the image from our webserver, and an Open Sales Email event is added to that lead's activity log. Email open counts may not always be accurate. Some email clients block images which prevents tracking email opens. Also, some open counts may be inflated because a recipient may browse through their emails; each email view, however long or short, is counted as an open event. Decorating links When you Send and Track an email, each link in the email is wrapped so that Marketo is informed when a recipient clicks any of those links. These clicks appear as Click Sales Email events in the lead's activity log. Clicking a link also cookies the recipient's browser so his web activity on your Munchkin-enabled pages is tracked by Marketo.          
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In the activity log, there is a Data Value Change activity for Unsubscribed from false to true. After I double click the activity, the detail page of the activity opens up. In it, for the Reason of this change, it has, "System flow action sysActionChangeDataValue". What does this mean ? This is the result of an automated process known as Durable Unsubscribe. Marketo changed this record when it detected the same change within another record (duplicate) using the same email address. The system will not all one unsubscribed record and the rest of the duplicate records using the same email address set to subscribed. Marketo will make the same adjustment to the rest of the records that are using the same email address as the first record it finds with that email address. This change can go either way From True to False or False to True. For more info, please see this article.
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Sometimes you need to give your sales team access to the powerful insight Sales Insight gives into Marketo but would rather some users not be able to take some actions such as sending Marketo Emails or trigger Marketo Campaigns.  You can use SFDC Permission Sets in to give or remove access to the VisualForce pages that power the actions Sales Insight can take. Note: Modifying permissions to Sales Insight components from their documented configuration may cause undesired and unpredictable behavior in your Salesforce instance.  Marketo Support can only support the default documented install configuration MSI for Salesforce - Marketo Docs - Product Docs.  Make these changes at your own risk and fully test any modification in a sandbox environment before deploying to your production environment. Create a new permission set or modify and existing permission set in Salesforce.  Documentation on SFDC Permission Sets can be found here.​ Edit Visualforce Page Access. Remove (if restricting access) or add (if adding access) the desired Sales Insight VisualForce elements.  For example, mkto_si.Send_Marketo_Email - access to the Send Marketo Email feature from an individual Lead/Contact mkto_si.Send_Contact_Marketo_Email - access to the Send Marketo Email feature from a Contact list view mkto_si.Send_Lead_Marketo_Email - access to the Send Marketo Email feature from a Contact list view mkto_si.Marketo_Lead_Detail - access to the View in Marketo feature mkto_si.Add_to_Marketo_Campaign - access to the Add to Marketo Campaign feature from an individual Lead/Contact mkto_si.Add_Contact_to_Marketo_Campaign - access to Add to Marketo Campaign from a Contact list view mkto_si.Add_Lead_to_Marketo_Campaign - access to Add to Marketo Campaign from a Lead list view Assign the Permission Set as desired to your users. SFDC users without permissions to specific Sales Insight features will still be able to choose the associated actions from their drop down menu.  However, they will receive a permissions error after clicking the "Go!" button. Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue Description When examining a lead's activity log, you notice a Sync Error which reads "CANNOT_EXECUTE_FLOW_TRIGGER: The record couldn’t be saved because it failed to trigger a flow. A flow trigger failed to execute the flow with version ID ______________. Flow error messages: An unhandled fault has occurred in this flow. An unhandled fault has occurred while processing the flow. Please contact your system administrator for more information. Contact your administrator for help."  Issue Resolution That error message is generated by Salesforce when Marketo tries to sync a lead that does not meet a trigger flow rule that is setup in your Salesforce instance.  Marketo has no visibility into this error message other than what is returned by Salesforce. Please take the full details of this error message to your SFDC Administrator or Support. They will be able to identify the flow or process which is preventing the sync update and make any necessary adjustments. Who This Solution Applies To Customers integrated with Salesforce
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  There are thousands of blocklists out there and all of them operate a little differently and all have varying levels of reputation.  There are only a dozen blocklists that really can impact delivery.   The blocklist that requires the most work from you when you request delisting is Spamhaus. Spamhaus is a trustworthy blocklist and if you are listed at Spamhaus you have made a mistake that will need to be directly addressed before the listing can be removed.   SpamCop is considered a tier I blocklist for B2B marketers but a tier II for B2C marketers.  Marketo responds to all SpamCop listings; researching to identify the source so we can work with the customer to educate on best practices and prevent future listings.    Some blocklists require that you pay a fee to be delisted. These blocklists are not favored in the email community because they use this tactic. For the most part, Marketo advises our customers not to mind alerts of being listed on a pay-to-delist blocklist.  These blocklists tend to have minimal impact to your deliverability.   For the most part blocklists are dynamic and resolve themselves in around 24 hours if the issue resolves. If the problematic sending continues, the blocklist will continue to keep you listed until the offending sending pattern stops.    If you are blocklisted, your main concern at that point should be making sure it doesn't happen again. For steps on how to identify the problematic data source and improve your list hygiene in an effort to avoid blocklist issues, see our article on blocklists that matter.The article highlight those that have the potential to be the most impactful, as well as those to be largely ignored . Because blocklists are dynamic and constantly evolving, their relevancy is also subject to change within the Marketo sender ecosystem. Some had notable impact at one time but no longer are.  Therefore always make sure to check if the current blocklist(s) of concern is a reputable and relevant to the sender region and ecosystem, and become familiar with those that matter the most.  
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Issue:   Your Salesforce sync is not working because the password for your Salesforce sync user expired. You will see an error in Marketo saying:   describeSObject failed - The users password has expired, you must call SetPassword before attempting any other API operations.   Similar to this:     Resolution:   To resolve this error temporarily, you will have to change both your password and security token in Salesforce and then update these credentials in Marketo under Admin -> Salesforce -> Edit Credentials -> update both your password and security token in the 2 boxes illustrated below then press the Save button:     To permanently fix this issue, you will need to change the password policies in Salesforce so that your password never expires in Salesforce. To do this, in Salesforce, go to Setup -> Administration Setup -> Security Controls -> Password Policies -> User passwords expire in -> Never expires -> Save for your "" user in Salesforce:   Please note this is a Salesforce setting and you should consult your Salesforce Admin before implementing this change Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue Description After you have created an API User with the correct access for making REST API calls to your Marketo instance, you still receive a response with Error 603 Access Denied even when making API calls using an up-to-date access token that you manually created.   Issue Resolution The most likely resolution is that you have Web Service IP Restrictions enabled on your instance.   Go to Admin > Web Services Click the Edit button next to the IP Restrictions box If IP Restrictions are turned on and there are no IP addresses listed, all calls to the Marketo REST API endpoint will fail. If IP Restrictions are turned on and the IP making the API call is not listed, add it to the list and save. You can also set up wildcard IP addresses here to cover a range of IP addresses.   You can learn more about whitelisting IP addresses in Marketo in the article "Create a Whitelist for IP-Based API Access".   If you have confirmed that IP Restrictions are NOT enabled and have also gone through our API User documentation to ensure the API User is set up correctly but  your calls are still failing as Access Denied, please create a support case.     Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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On August 24, 2017, Marketo and Google Cloud made an exciting announcement about a broader collaboration to transform engagement solutions for the enterprise. We understand you may have questions, and we’ve prepared the following FAQ that provides additional details. 1)  What did Marketo and Google Cloud announce? Today, Marketo and Google Cloud, two technology thought leaders announced a multi-year alliance that will drive innovation and deliver next generation global marketing solutions on the Google Cloud Platform.  2)  Why is this great for Marketo customers and partners? The MarTech and AdTech worlds have remained silo-ed for far too long. This alliance will simplify the technology landscape for the marketer and enable them to more effectively listen, learn, and engage with buyers across all digital channels, including digital ads. In addition, it will provide the scale, reliability, and security required for enterprises to conduct business in today’s digital world. 3)  What does the alliance entail? The alliance between Marketo and Google Cloud includes the following: Marketo and Google Cloud will invest resources in co-innovation in a number of areas. Beginning in 2018, Marketo will run its marketing automation products and data centers entirely on Google Cloud Platform for all customers worldwide. Google will expand its usage of Marketo’s Engagement Platform across its businesses. 4)  Why did Marketo select Google for its public cloud?  We’ve been planning a move to a public cloud infrastructure for some time as we believe it’s necessary to deliver the scale, reliability, and security that our customers and partners demand to succeed in today’s hyper-digital world. We selected Google for a number of reasons, including its industry-leading knowledge and expertise building secure cloud infrastructure and applications at scale as well as the significant strategic and technology advantages we saw versus other clouds. 5)  Will Marketo continue to build and support its own data centers? Until the migration to Google Cloud infrastructure, Marketo will continue to operate, manage, and support its own data centers. 6)  Will this change impact my Marketo subscription or agreement? Moving Marketo’s marketing automation products and data centers to Google Cloud Platform will not change or impact your Marketo subscription. We will update our End User Service Agreement as appropriate to reference any relevant changes.
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If you sent an email from the Lead Database (as a Single Flow Action), as part of a campaign, or as a test email but didn't receive it, here are some tips. Check the "From:" address When sending a test message, make sure to check the "From:" address setting on your message. To do this, go to the Email Settings tab of the email editor. In the "From:" field, make sure that you either have a single valid email address, or a valid email address as the default. Many people want to send their messages from the lead owner. When you use the send test feature, the email address you are sending to doesn't have a full lead record, and so it doesn't have a lead owner. Since Marketo cannot send an email with no "From:" address, test messages without a valid email address in the "From:" field will not send. Send as a Lead If you have verified that the email had a valid From: address and you still aren't getting it, make sure to create yourself as a lead and send using a flow action. See if the mail was sent If you sent the email as part of a campaign or Single Flow Action, check the campaign's Results tab or your lead detail page to see if that mail was already sent to you. If it hasn't been sent yet, try waiting a little while longer. Check your Junk Mail In your email client, check your Junk Mail or Spam folder to see if the mail landed there. If it did, you should change the content of your email. Check your corporate spam filter Your corporate mail server may have blocked emails from Marketo; you should contact your IT department to see if this is the case. Please see our instructions for whitelisting Marketo's email servers: Add Marketo to Your Corporate Email Whitelist​ Try sending to a different recipient If you sent the original mail to your corporate account, try sending to a personal account on Yahoo or Gmail. If you sent it to a personal account, try your corporate mail account.  Use Marketo's Email Deliverability product The Email Deliverability PowerPack, with Design Informant and Inbox Informant, can warn you when your mail is being rejected because of its content and help you identify junk mail pitfalls. Also, using Domain Keys and SPF improve the chances of your email landing in your leads' inboxes. Contact Marketo If you still can't figure out what happened contact Marketo to see if we can help.
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Importing lists containing non-English names into Marketo may replace accented characters with invalid ones, often squares or non-alphabetical signs.   The "character set" parameter identifies a character encoding, which is a method of converting a sequence of bytes into a sequence of characters. This conversion fits naturally with the scheme of Web activity: servers send HTML documents to user agents as a stream of bytes; user agents interpret them as a sequence of characters. The conversion method can range from simple one-to-one correspondence to complex switching schemes or algorithms.   It is a good practice to set the browser to an appropriate character set before running the import. The most widely used are:   Unicode (UTF-8) A universal character set that defines the characters included in a majority of the languages of the world. It can work with pages and forms that include a mixture of languages within the same page.   Note: Old browsers may have an issue with you using the UTF-8 character set. It may be wise to consider ISO-8859 for old releases. ISO-8859-1 Also know as Latin1, includes the latin based languages of the world. It includes most western european languages.   ISO 8859-1 Western Europe ISO 8859-2 Western and Central Europe ISO 8859-3 Western Europe and South European (Turkish, Maltese plus Esperanto) ISO 8859-4 Western Europe and Baltic countries (Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia and Lapp) ISO 8859-5 Cyrillic alphabet ISO 8859-6 Arabic ISO 8859-7 Greek ISO 8859-8 Hebrew ISO 8859-9 Western Europe with amended Turkish character set ISO 8859-10 Western Europe with rationalised character set for Nordic languages, including complete Icelandic set ISO 8859-11 Thai ISO 8859-13 Baltic languages plus Polish ISO 8859-14 Celtic languages (Irish Gaelic, Scottish, Welsh) ISO 8859-15 Added the Euro sign and other rationalisations to ISO 8859-1 ISO 8859-16 Central, Eastern and Southern European languages (Albanian, Croatian, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Serbian and Slovenian, but also French, German, Italian and Irish Gaelic)   Microsoft Internet Explorer   Mozilla Firefox   Apple Safari   Google Chrome     Opera   Mozilla Camino (Mac OS X)
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